About Me

Hello. My name is Vivek Sharma. I am a Software Developer and recent gradute of 2022 batch from branch of ECE(Electronics and Communication Engineering) from Dr.Akhilesh Das Gupta Institute of Technology and Management .Mostly working on Backend technology such as Django , Nodejs and recently learning Golang as well.

Work Experience


  • Currently Learning GRPC
  • Learning Angular for the Frontend and Golang for the Backend Services
  • Learning the organization Product chef as well.

Kowi Lifestyles

  • Was part 5 member backend team for the website and app they are building.
  • Implemented Restapi in Django Restframework.
  • Implemented the Notification system for the app using Django Channels.
  • Implemented celery for the task scheduling for the employee in the Employee management system of the organization.
  • Tech Stack : Django , Python , Postgresql , Web Sockets